Wednesday, December 2, 2009 ....popular ...hor...^^

1st day go MGSband scared dao...dunno wan do wat...then c my leader ....cute..really very cute ...haha...then c them practise their formation....then go back home...

2nd day go Sukpa(stadium tertutup) there practise cuz form5 ppl got spm tat lol...then my cute leader teach me their formation....teach...teach ...n teach ...they teach me untill wanna muntah darah....becuz of my stupid leg...lambat 半拍...the song is from slow to quick 123,223,323,423,up23,223,323, quick jor 123,223,323,423...then stay 4...again 123,223,323,423....(lazy 2 say jor)...

3rd day also at sukpa there practise got 3 other boys enter MGS band...the boys so quick so jealous...then,they practise for performance at TG(terengganu) think no time for me practise jor...then i wanna tell 2 my leader but takut dia marah saya so i 2moro then say....

4th daygo Sukpa by bus wiv some of them...late jor so kena denda 跑....then their 4教练 come jor...walao so many..haha...then c them sot sot sit there ntg to do...then me tell my leader tat me no time learn jor...then tell teacher so stupid can't learn cepat cepat..N 嫉妒the boys so 聪明....then teacher so good say nvm lo 当作experince lo...then a girl ask Oscar y dunwan belajar di st.thomas , then i 插嘴say:"oscar tak man so cannot belajar di st.thomas...haha ya i knw me so 衰...joke la oscar..then went back by bus...on the bus some girl say i luv u to oscar then continue as frenzzz zadao 笑到半死...they also copy oscar say enha...i like it...(if wan 2 knw more detail cal oscar say to u)...then went back mgs jor.....sad can't learn more in mgs...

Saturday, November 28, 2009


HAIZZZ....一时兴奋得答应了福田去MGS 练习耶。。。现在不知怎样“收获”,只好乖乖去练了。。现在的我怕得不知干什么好呢???现在6.47p.m离明天虽然还很久(对你们来说)不过对我来说只差几个小时罢了。。。不只明天去到哪里会怎样,如果可以预知未来那该有多好啊!!!我看今晚休想睡个好觉了。。。都怪我当天听了觉得很爽下,也以为很多人去所以我就答应了。。(笨蛋哦,方佩璇你)真的很怕。。。一到明天方佩璇你就要变黑人了啦。。。一定会被妈妈“" 一辈子了啦。。。怕怕。。。练完又要去比赛。。都不知来的及没有。。我酱笨。。那里可以哦。。??/haizzz....算了啦。。。都讲了要去就不能改变了了。。。只好去咯!!!今天我终于等到了最后一集的《原来是美男啊》。。。终于看完了。。。好美的结局哦!!!怎么我就不能有个美好的结局呢,反而是辛苦又可怜的结局啊???不过想来想去今天也算是美好的了。。。等到明天我会想念做一样东西那就是:冲凉。。。哈哈。。真的我会想念“你”的    (写到好像要去死酱。。哈哈)。。。。。。。等比完赛,又要练习ap brass band for sukan de 很忙hor我。。。。没时间与朋友聚一聚了。。。。。好想念你们哦!!! 


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 "sei" me lol

HAIzzz wad a boring holiday...还不到一个星期我差不多看完了几部好看的日韩连续剧如:《原来是美男啊》n 《我的帅管家》。。。接下来的假期就残了啦。。。什么假期吗???昨天福田问我要不要去mgs band 练flute 然后去跟他们的band go competition 我一听到当然爽啊因为这是很难得的机会也,又可以学怎样吹FLUTE 又可以出队,每天看人家出队自己也想出所以听起来是爽的,不过又怕嘞。。。因为怕连累到他们,如果输了怎么办呢。。???所以昨晚到现在一直在想。。。万一真的输了怎么办不过我又想去吸取经验耶。。。很烦啊。。我头脑要。。。boom..爆炸了啦!!!怎么办啊。。。谁可以救救我啊??而且哦他们的band practise 起来很。。。。“残忍”的阿!!对不起哦,,因为只能这样形容你们。。^^。。如果我真的去哦你们下次或者在shopping mall 遇到我应该不会人得出我是谁了了。。。那时候我黑到像印度人那样黑了。。。那我还要去吗???今天要知道了。。。残了啦我。。。可怜。。。去还是不去。。???《原来是美男啊》超好看的嘞。。。有谁超爱看韩剧的就要看这一部哦,因为超级好看而且各又超好听的。。。(sk,hh.yy , lc n shenny)一定要看哦!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


昨天早上8++,我还以为今天一定会练到很累的,虽到了学校我还搞不懂那件事的。。。真知他们放我们出去吃东西时10++我就知道了那件事。。haizzz当时我和jy,ky,kx n...在小精灵的我看到他们在折纸鹤就问他们发生了什么事。。原来。。所以随手就折了5个本来想等到他醒来才给他看的。。。就折啊折。。怎知ajk他们听到消息就急忙赶去医院看他。。。但我们还是照样折直到js叫我们会学校练习就回去练lo....练练练到一半时,莫莫人说他快不行了这是有人哭了起来.....当时我们不信。。。结果这消息是真的那瞬间全部人本来开开心心的练习着结果变得气氛超差的...既时我跟他不熟,但是毕竟跟他练习过也跟他一起表演过,所以多多少少都会有一点感情...HAIZZZ。。真是难以想信。。。当时JY n KY 一直流泪一直折纸鹤 看到都有一点心酸...JY n ky 回了班以后情况终于稳定了下来。。。然后我们继续练习直到放学。。。本来刚要白了得我现在又变得黑漆漆的了。。感觉(feeling)好奇怪哟。。最后一节回班已经有人说我了才一天罢了就有人说超不爽的咯。。。到过年还是那么黑我就“残”了(因:被妈妈骂死)可怜

Saturday, September 19, 2009

~HaPpY bIrThDaY To mY bEsT fReN JiAyIn & YaNbInG~

Anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 both of u


Saturday, August 1, 2009

hArI KoKo....Great PeRForManCE

2dAy me 5.15 already wake up cuz 6.45 wan to skull for band performance...but me,kahyan,jinyan,zhenyu....6++a.m like tat come then go yamcha "benlai" we all wan go to sanhin yam de but not yet open so go beside sanhin....we dun wan go beside sanhin becuz at there got 1 pekerja de teeth cannot close de worrr nvm lol when band practise we go yamcha wiv shiwen he always "see" shiwen de godnesss many time liao like tat haizzzz...lizhen n zhenyu call 2 buns then we share eat..After finsh eating we sms jinyan she still not yet reach skulll so we all go "gerai-gerai" there help fren then senior they all come liao we go store get instrument then instrument "warm up" then we practise again (song:rock n roll,tanah pusaka).After tat we wait for the VIP,them buat persembahan...This time the performance not bad is great cuz we all got practise seriously n we got a serious conductor: YAP JIEN SHIR...yeah(when band practise she really angry but sfter band practise she will play wiv us)
After performance ,viyien n me get the kupon from teacher then we go buy thing eat then i wait for my cousin:suhui....suhui come liao three of us(me,yenkie,suhui) n a fren from 2u(pui huan) go to 3c de ghost house play,when we already go upstairs liao then all the malay girl shout worrr say they all very scared they dun wan go in so the leader giv us in 1st inside there very dark cannot see anything suhui dunno wan go where then got a "scary" ghost main us like shout...suhui say not scary de then she ask the ghost where we have to go,the ghost say got see jalan then walk lol zadau...walk walk n walk all the ghost like shout n "nong" our leg but there all not scary de sebaliknya they all funny after tat we see a red shirt inside put a torchlight still not scary de my cousin:yenkie say y wan put light inside de shirt?? then we walk got a ghost catch my fren hair then she say dun pull my hair on the way we all four girls juz marah the ghost only lol not scary at all...haha(xD) we All laugh ze walk out i say not scary de but funny the ppl sitting outside de say y they all(mean us) laugh de not cry cry like tat de (zadau...) AFTER tat we back home......

Friday, July 31, 2009

sOmE aBouT bAnd PrActIsE ......


THIS FEW DAYs always morning 7.50a.m 2 skull OmG wanna die liao but at there really fun lol can play wiv fren,can chat wiv fren n can knw more fren....example after practise got some rest time shiwen,zeemee,shigie,jeahyuin,kahyan....they all play tat like "啦啦队" de dance "suiran" got sometime all band will kena marah cuz song not good,attitude not good n also got some ppl always "ma" ppl but she also not doing well behsong she de worrr like (py) she anggap she is wat o she juz a ajk n ketua of xxxgroup cheh so wat lui n yap "geng" than her lol 1 is DM 1 is conductorr.....ok lol nvm she never hafal the song de worr juz knw 38 many ppl behsong her "huogai" n Yesterday got many problem in band like many ppl cry "kelian" n many ppl salah faham....(SAD)

Today morning got raptai so early early already come skull gonna die liao 1 week early wake up but late late sleep,n this few day i always say "toh" word then say say say half of band ppl also copy me yorrr me dunwan say liao me now wan to learn say "jitdo" hahha then u all cannot copy me liao lol like jinyien,sookting at ttn also say "toh" "ni hen toh de worrr"in chinese haha i always say de (me also copy another ppl de...xD) 2moro wan persembahan liao got little bit scared but still can blog...haha(juz joke)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A life without my important things....


Morning 7.20a.m, after my dad fetch my little bro to skull he saw his wallet was on the table 原本he put his wallet on the phone table there de (sory confuse u all cuz my dining room got three table 1 is phone table(small), 1 is reading table(small) n last is long table) nvm lol then my dad open the wallet n see all his money in the wallet was disappeared luckily the card still have, then he ask my mom:"did u take my money ?" My mom say:"no wor..",then both of my parents see got anything lost,omg my mom,dad hp also disappeared then they wake me up,ask me see my things got lost annot...My hp n my watch also disappeared liao...yorrr y like tat the,both of things is my very important things lai de n also is my half “财产”lai de le....yorrr..behsong lerrr the phone got many information n got many my birthday pic n my fren pic lerr n the watch is me n huizhong de couple watch lerrr haizzz...sad larrr....but luckily my comp still wiv me n my gameboy,my bro dad also got go police station there "bao jing", but the police juz come my house take 2 photo n ask my dad little soalan only worr...did the police can catch the thief?
i think the police can't catch the thief cuz juz aso some ques n take 2 photo only wor....haizzz


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday a unforgettable day....

Yesterday morning,i "以为" i already late to skull cuz me,kahyan n jeahyuin say 7a.m wait at busstop there then go 7-11 buy some breakfast de but me not late n the latest wan is jeahyuin aiyorr...then me n kahyan wait n wait until 7.10a.m.then she come we go buy something then back astaka wait the other band member come.Y we all so early come skull?? Becuz some band member included me n my fren wan to go SK.TERUNTUM see the "Brass Band Competition" we all so happy. 7.45a.m,all the member come liao then teacher say some peraturan:1st is menjaga disiplin, 2nd is dun wan "乱乱走"...After that the bus come liao then we naik bus...AT there we see four teams,there are from different state such as MGS from kuantan,SMK.TRIANG dunno from where,HWALIAN n last i dunno wat skull liao...they all at there warm up then practise there also got see our long time ago the senior also like our 教练 , menghui n waihong(senior)...wait n wait 终于开始了, this four team very geng but more of the ppl support MGS team me support all four team cuz their performance is very 精彩,i very 配服(dunno how to write)they all. At the end is giving prize , MGS get 3 prize (very "geng" o..) the other three band din get any prize(SAD). The 1st place is MGS horray!! 2nd is smk.triang( DM very liangzai o kahyan say wan take phone no. from him haha..juz joke) , 3rd n 4th i already forget......after see brass band competition we back skull by bus again.....End:the competition is very 精彩 got chance i wan see again n again...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Yesterday i go skull at 7.15a.m said wan 2 go 7-eleven buy breakfast wiv jeahyuin n kahyan de but they not waiting for me ....(nvm la) then wait other bang girls n band boys come .....8a.m, some band member notyet come but already want practise liao de haizz?? then all the st.john member wan practise at padang nvm lol they all also wan put bag at astaka u knw lol many ppl n another skull also come ....then peiyee n another boys also late luilui shout:"she count until 5 if there din reach astaka wan denda" omg all st.john ppl look at them so "fish skin"...after that we practise n practise still not good n kena marah...(kelian),then st.john member go back home liao n we all still have to practise kawad kaki...dunno y yunhuey suddenly say:"malaysia boleh,pancaragam pun boleh" 11.30a.m,then all went back home....N i already knw one thing tat is karmen is the highest st.john girl member ...REally(xd)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yesterdayy....rain so happy.....

After the geografi period rain heavily then our class have to go science lab , some of them say dun wan to go but they still got go if not will scold them,nevemind LOL.......the way we go to science lab like "tsunami" coming already cuz the longkang full of rain de water ...... n hh,yy,sk,lc shout so loudly...OMG...then shenny behind me also got shout a little bit lol mok n woanwei juz fast FAST run to Science lab....they all look like a huge monster behind them n wan catch them (funny..x.D) then mok n woanwei "reached" at Sc lab 1st then me n shenny come n also viyien(viyien clothe so 'basah') then we all talk n talk very happy, after tat all the ppl come liao nvm lol cuz teacher de voice not loud so juz call us do hw only.While we all do hw teacher mark our note haizz...i a little bit scared cuz not finish...after woanwei,mok then is me she call my name then say u see they all do very far liao lol u juz do till population.....luckily no scold haha...after science period go dewan again cuz abdullah din come .....boring at there

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2day so happy a vcd about song in the boys over flower...

2day go mega wiv family buy a lot of things at there such as my favourite vcd (boys over flower ), plastic tat Pn.lim call us to buy n more.........At there i see a lot of ppl wear school uniform ...O.o there got a competition about science n math quiz...ok lol but i see my "enemy" hate her so much ....yorrr..she so stupid where can answer all the question.....(X.d) i also see a girl very dark de then i see her t-shirt o.O she is a MGSS BRASS BAND member they all sot sot de so geng juz like Cynthia (my dark dark cousin) yorr..??? i also very very "pei fu" they all every morning also got practise still afternoon , weekend i think still evening gua...haizz....very happy ...haha

Saturday, April 4, 2009

yesterday..i already finish saw all the wood yeah........

yeah.....yesterday i already finish saw all the ler haha...very dufficult to saw Pn.Lim say my wood like "bo lang" cuz i go to skul at 12p.m n i go benkel wait for Pn.Lim before Pn.Lim come me n carmen wan to go bilik tayangan see movie"bedtime story " de but solo n wong dun wan so bothof us dun wan see lol....

when science period,we late go to lab cuz we all 2c class dunwan go still hav 10 more minutes then we go cuz after the 10 more minutes we hav to go pameran ...haha......but Pn.hamaizai not let us go pameran she call us do "secret message" then we all do lol cuz cannot choose but very difficult lel some i do n some copy fren de then shenny wong(ricky wong).........ngam ngam cam cam dunno wat she say then i laugh at her haha...very funny....(ricky mah dun wan angry ah)......after that is math period,sook kuan n us dun wan go upstair cuz wan see pameran then our asistant monitor call ng hong yong ask pn.ooi can go pameran annot unbelieve pn.ooi let us see pameran.........

then we go inside dewan see pameran shenny n huizhi wan buy book but they all wan discont de then they ask the bos got discount annot the bos say no lor (tat situation like both of them buy thing at pasar haha) shenny very funny de wor.....huizhi see a book about the rabbit use many type of things to die very funny cuz juz pic no word de..........cute...viyien see liao then buy tat book after they all buying the prefect go recess,then very boring liao cuz huizhi n shenny go recess liao both of them very funny de...........

Saturday, March 28, 2009

26 March My Class Sportcheck.......

That day after recess,viyien,jienshir,hongyong n i chat very happy de they all say japan song i dunno so do h/w then they chat about food bla bla bla suddenly already they all chat already three period wua ..... then recess.After recess de 1,2,3 no one chat boring..then P.Moral period then hot-tempered de along her "student" came to my class then sportcheck too bad my fren tat day bring magazine to skull then the "student" knew tat take it to then call out her name so sad she get demerit stupid after sport check she already wan go out then xxx n xxx call her 'zou lol' then she hear liao she say is Jasmine say de stupid duno then luanluan say tat xxx say herself say de, angry n scold her .......haizzzz tat day all the class not so lucky ........

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2day so bored...

2day all the teacher scolding our the class dunno wats wrong wiv the teacher?? n 2day so early to skul for see the drame so sienz...the “虾米仔”always scold us if u ntg to do go home n 照顾 ur children lol need teach us de cuz we dunno wat u say....tat geo teacher also giv us so many h/w to do n check our book luckily me n sook kuan no check haha^^

the"potential" n "xxx" always say me n sook kuan bising another ppl

also bising y dun wan scold them y scold us aiyo so stupid de le .....